Ultra Clean Autos Limited Terms and Conditions of Trade 

1. Definitions 

1.1. Company shall mean Ultra Clean Autos Limited and its successors and


1.2. Customer shall mean the purchaser of goods and services from the

Company or any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of the


1.3. Guarantor means that person (or persons), or entity that agrees to be liable

for the debts of the  Customer on a principal debtor basis. 

1.4. Goods shall mean all goods supplied by the Company to the Customer (and

where the context permits include any supply of Services). 

1.5. Services shall mean all services supplied by the Company to the Customer

and includes any advice or recommendations (and where the context permits

includes any supply of Goods). 

1.6. Price means the price payable for the Goods and Services as agreed

between the Company and the  Customer subject to clause 3 of this


1.7. Vehicle means the vehicle identified on the front page of these terms and

provided by the Customer to the Company for the provision of services. 

2. Acceptance 

2.1. Any instructions received by the Company from the Customer for the supply

of Goods or Services shall constitute acceptance of the terms and

conditions contained in this agreement.

2.2. Where more than one Customer has entered into this agreement, the

Customers shall be jointly and severally liable for all payments due under this


3. Price 

3.1. At the Company’s sole discretion, the Price shall be either; 

3.1.1. The Price as indicated on invoices provided by the Company to the

Customer in respect of  Goods and Services supplied; or 

3.1.2. The Company’s quoted Price (subject to clause 6 below), which shall

be binding on the  Company provided that the Customer accepts in

writing the Company’s quotation within thirty (30) days of the date of the


3.2. The Price may be increased by the amount of any reasonable increase in the

cost of supply of the  Goods and Services that is beyond the control of the

Company between the date of the contract and delivery of the Goods and


3.3. Labour costs include any time spent traveling to and from the workshop to

the Customer, including any time taken to procure any materials and goods

required for the job.  

3.4. 3The Company’s prices are exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST)

unless otherwise stated, and the  Customer is required to pay GST in

addition to the price. 

4. Payment

4.1. 4.1 Payment terms will be stated on each invoice. Accounts are strict to be

paid in full 20 th of the month following the date of invoice or the date that is

stated on the invoice (whichever date is the earliest). Payment must be made

by way of cash, direct credit, or any other method as agreed to between the

Company and the Customer. 

4.2. The Company reserves the right to request payment for any Goods and

Services prior to commencement of works. 

4.3. The Customer may not deduct, set off or withhold any amount from any

money owing to the  Company other than prior approved retentions as per

Construction Contracts Act 2002. 

5. Default 

5.1. The following shall constitute an event of default by the Customer: 

5.1.1. Any amount due to the Company by the Customer becomes overdue,

or in the Company’s  opinion the Customer will be unable to pay its debts

as they fall due; 

5.1.2. The Customer advises that it will not pay any amounts due to the

Company by the due date; 

5.1.3. the Customer becomes insolvent, convenes a meeting with its creditors

or proposes or  enters into an arrangement with creditors, or makes an

assignment for the benefit of its  creditors, or;

5.1.4.  a receiver, manager, liquidator (provisional or otherwise) or similar

person is appointed in  respect of the Customer or any asset of the


5.1.5.  Any material adverse change in the financial position of the Customer;


5.1.6. The Customer changes or proposes to change its name without first

notifying the Company of the new name not less than 7 days before the

change takes effect. 

5.2. In the event of the Customer being in default then in addition and without

prejudice to the  Company’s other remedies at law and under this


5.2.1. All amounts owing to the Company shall immediately become due and


5.2.2. The Company shall be entitled to cancel all or any part of any order of

the Customer which  remains unperformed; 

5.2.3. The Customer shall at the Company’s discretion (and without affecting

any other right the  Company may have), pay default penalty interest of

5% per month on any amount  outstanding to the Company; and 

5.2.4. The Customer shall also be liable to pay any expenses, disbursements,

or legal expenses incurred by the Company in the enforcement of any

rights contained within this agreement,  including any reasonable

solicitor’s fees or debt collection fees. 

6. Quotation 

6.1. Where a quotation is given by the Company for Goods and Services: 

6.1.1. The quotation will be valid for 30 days from the date of issue of the

quotation unless otherwise stated. 

6.1.2. The quotation shall be exclusive of GST unless otherwise stated. 

6.1.3. All goods and services are subject to supplier availability and supplier

price variation. If there is a substantial change, this will necessitate a

price review. 

7. Ownership and Risk of Vehicles 

7.1. The Customer confirms they are the registered owner of the Vehicle or are

authorised by the registered owner to accept these Terms of Trade. 

7.2. The Vehicle remains at the risk of the Company until delivery to the

Customer. Delivery shall be deemed complete when the Customer retrieves

their Vehicle. Any issues or complaints must be made within 7 days,

7.3. If the Vehicle is damaged or destroyed prior delivery to the Customer, the

Company is entitled,  without prejudice to any of its other rights or remedies

under this agreement (including the right to receive payment of the balance of

the Price for the Services), to receive all insurance proceeds payable in

respect of the Vehicle. This applies whether or not the Price has become

payable under this agreement. The production of this agreement by the

Company is sufficient evidence of the  Company’s rights to receive the

insurance proceeds without the need for any person dealing with the 

Company to make further inquiries. 

7.4. Upon collection of the vehicle the Customer is deemed to have inspected the

condition of the vehicle in full and accepted its condition and the Goods and

Services supplied by the Company. 

8. Ownership of Goods 

8.1. Title and ownership in any Goods supplied by the Company to the Customer

shall not pass to the  Customer until: 

8.1.1. The Customer has paid all amounts owing for the particular Goods;


8.1.2. The Customer has met all other obligations due by the Customer to the

Company in respect of all agreements between the Company and the

Customer, and that the Goods, or proceeds of the sale of the Goods,

shall be kept separate until the Company shall have received payment

and all other obligations of the Customer are met. 

8.2. It is further agreed that: 

8.2.1. Until such time as ownership of the Goods shall pass from the

Company to the Customer the  Company may give notice in writing to the

Customer to return the Goods or any of them to the Company. Upon

such notice, the rights of the Customer to obtain ownership or any other

interest in the Goods shall cease. 

8.2.2.  If the Customer fails to return the Goods to the Company then the

Company or the  Company’s agent may enter upon and into land and

premises owned, occupied or used by the Customer, or any premises as

the invitee of the Customer, where the Goods are situated and take

possession of the Goods, without being responsible for any damage

thereby caused. 

9. Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (PPSA) 

9.1. Upon agreeing to these terms and conditions in writing the Customer

acknowledges and agrees that: 

9.1.1. These terms and conditions constitute a security agreement for the

purposes of the PPSA;  and 

9.1.2. A security interest is taken in all Goods previously supplied by the

Company to the Customer  (if any) and all Goods that will be supplied in

the future by the Company to the Customer during the continuance of the

parties relationship. 

9.2. The Customer undertakes to: 

9.2.1.  sign any further documents and/or provide any further information,

such information to be  complete, accurate, and up-to-date in all

respects, which the Company may reasonably  require to register a

financing statement or financing change statement on the Personal 

Property Securities Register (PPSR); 

9.2.2.  indemnify, and upon demand reimburse, the Company for all

expenses incurred in  registering a financing statement or financing

change statement on the PPSR or releasing any  Goods charged


9.2.3. not register a financing change statement or a change demand without

the prior written  consent of the Company; 

9.2.4. give the Company not less than fourteen (14) days prior written notice

of any proposed  change in the Customer’s name and/or any other

change in the Customer’s details (including  but not limited to, changes in

the Customer’s address, facsimile number, or business  practice); and 

9.2.5. immediately advise the Company of any material change in its

business practices of selling the Goods which would result in a change in

the nature of proceeds derived from such sales.

9.3. The Company and the Customer agree that nothing in sections 114(1)(a),

133, and 134 of the PPSA  shall apply to this agreement. 

9.4. The Customer waives its rights as a debtor under sections 116, 120(2), 121,

125, 126, 127, 129, 131, and 132 of the PPSA. 

9.5. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Company, the Customer waives

its right to receive a  verification statement in accordance with section 148 of

the PPSA. 

9.6. The Customer unconditionally ratifies any actions taken by the Company

under and by virtue of the power of attorney was given by the Customer to

the Seller under clauses 9.1 to 9.5. 

10. Warranties 

10.1. All warranties, terms, and conditions (including, without limitation,

warranties and conditions as to fitness for purpose and merchantability),

whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise, are hereby

excluded to the extent permitted by law. 

10.2. Subject to the conditions of warranty set out in Clause 10.1 above, the

Company warrants that if any defect in any workmanship manufactured by

the Company becomes apparent and is reported to the  Company within

twelve (12) months of the date of delivery (time being of the essence) then

the  Company will (at the Company’s sole discretion) repair the defect or

replace the workmanship. 

10.3. The conditions applicable to the warranty given by Clause 10.2 are: 

10.3.1.  The warranty shall not cover any defect or damage which may be

caused or partly caused by  or arise through: Failure on the part of the Customer to properly maintain any

Goods; or Failure on the part of the Customer to follow any instructions or

guidelines provided  by the Company; or Any use of any Goods otherwise than for any application

specified on a quote or  order form; or The continued use of any Goods after any defect becomes

apparent or would have  become apparent to a reasonably prudent

operator or user; or Fair wear and tear, any accident or act of God. 

10.3.2. The warranty shall cease and the Company shall thereafter in no

circumstances be liable under the terms of the warranty if the

workmanship is repaired, altered, or overhauled without the Company’s


10.3.3.  In respect of all claims the Company shall not be liable to compensate

the Customer for any delay in either replacing or repairing the

workmanship/Goods or in properly assessing the  Customer’s claim. 

10.4. For Goods not manufactured by the Company but installed by the

Company within the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations, the

warranty shall be the current warranty provided by the manufacturer of the

Goods. The Company shall be under no liability whatsoever except for the

express conditions as detailed and stipulated in the manufacturer’s warranty. 

11. Consumer Guarantees Act 

11.1 If the Customer is acquiring or holding itself out as acquiring Goods or

Services under this agreement for business purposes, then the Consumer

Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply. 

12. Personal Information 

12.1 Any personal information that the Customer supplies to the Company is

confidential. The Company may need to disclose the Customer’s information to

its agents or other organisations, but only as needed to carry out the Company’s

Services, or as required by law. 

12.2 The Company may store some or all of the Customer’s personal information

and use it for marketing and research purposes. The Company will never sell the

Customer’s personal information to any other company. 

12.3 The Company may use photographs of the Customer’s Vehicle for

marketing and social media purposes and the Customer consents to such use.

This will be done in such a way as to protect the  Customer’s personal

information including names and registration numbers. 

13. Limitation of Liability 

13.1 The Company shall not have any liability or responsibility to the Customer

for any loss, damage or injury, whether arising in contract, tort, equity or

otherwise, which does not flow directly or naturally  (i.e. in the ordinary course of

things) from a breach of this agreement including, in each case,  consequential

loss of business or profits or other loss.  

14. Intellectual Property 

14.1 The Customer warrants to the Company that all designs or instructions to

the Company will not cause the Company to infringe any patent, registered

design or trademark in the execution of the Customer’s order. 

15. Personal Guarantee or Company Directors or Trustees 

15.1 If the Customer is a company or trust, the director(s) or trustee(s) signing

this contract, in consideration for the Company agreeing to supply Goods and

Services and grant credit to the  Customer at their request, also sign this contract

in their personal capacity and jointly and severally personally undertake as

principal debtors to the Company the payment of any and all monies now or

hereafter owed by the Customer to the Company and indemnify the Company

against non-payment by the Customer. Any personal liability of a signatory hereto

shall not exclude the Customer in any way whatsoever from the liabilities and

obligations contained in this contract. The signatories and  Customer shall be

jointly and severally liable under the terms and conditions of this contract and for

payment of all sums due hereunder. 


16. General 

16.1 The Company will not be liable for failure to meet its obligations if the failure

is brought about by a  force majeure circumstance (i.e. any circumstances

outside the Company’s control).

16.2 Except as specifically provided, no amendment to this agreement will be

effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.

16.3 No exercise or failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or remedy

by a party shall constitute a waiver by that party of that or any other right or

remedy available to it. 

16.4 If any provision of this agreement or its application to any party or

circumstance is or becomes invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder

of this agreement and its application shall not be affected and shall remain

enforceable to the greatest extent permitted by law. 

16.5 This agreement shall be governed by New Zealand law, and the parties

submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.